Untitled Game engine no.5  1.0
Public Member Functions | List of all members
Engine::Entity Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Entity (EntityID id, Scene *scene)
 Entity (const Entity &other)=default
template<class C , typename... Args>
Ref< C > AddComponent (Args &&... args)
template<class C , class G >
Ref< C > AddComponent (G c)
 Adds a component of type C to an entity without args can take in any arbitrary type and attempts a dynamic cast.
template<class C >
Ref< C > AddComponent (C &&c)
 Adds a component of type C to an entity without args.
template<class C >
Ref< C > GetComponent ()
 Adds a component of type C to an entity without args.
EntityID GetID () const

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddComponent()

template<class C , typename... Args>
Ref<C> Engine::Entity::AddComponent ( Args &&...  args)

Adds a component of type C to an entity with args specified. Allows us to construct the component on the fly.

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