Untitled Game engine no.5
This is the complete list of members for Engine::Input, including all inherited members.
Get() | Engine::Input | inlinestatic |
GetMouseDelta() | Engine::Input | static |
GetMousePos() | Engine::Input | static |
GetMouseX() | Engine::Input | static |
GetMouseY() | Engine::Input | static |
IsKeyPressed(KeyCode key) | Engine::Input | static |
IsMouseLocked() | Engine::Input | static |
IsMousePressed(MouseCode button) | Engine::Input | static |
SetMouseLock(bool lock) | Engine::Input | static |
Update(const Scene &s) | Engine::Input | static |
UpdateKey(KeyCode key, bool state) | Engine::Input | inlinestatic |
UpdateMouse(MouseCode button, bool state) | Engine::Input | inlinestatic |
UpdateMousePos(float x, float y) | Engine::Input | static |
UpdateRelMousePos(float x, float y) | Engine::Input | static |