Untitled Game engine no.5
This is the complete list of members for Engine::ECS, including all inherited members.
AddComponent(EntityID id, Ref< C > args) | Engine::ECS | inline |
AddComponent(EntityID id, Args &&... args) | Engine::ECS | inline |
CreateEntityID() | Engine::ECS | inline |
ECS() | Engine::ECS | inline |
GetArchetype(EntityID id) | Engine::ECS | inline |
GetArchetype() | Engine::ECS | inline |
GetComponent(const EntityID &id) | Engine::ECS | inline |
GetEntitiesWith() | Engine::ECS | inline |
GetEntitiesWith(Archetype a) | Engine::ECS | inline |
IsComponentRegistered() | Engine::ECS | inline |
RegisterComponent() | Engine::ECS | inline |
RegisterSystem(Ref< SystemBase > &s) | Engine::ECS | inline |
RemoveComponent(const EntityID &id) | Engine::ECS | inline |
RemoveEntity(const EntityID &id) | Engine::ECS | inline |
RunSystem(SystemID sid) | Engine::ECS | inline |
RunSystemArch(Archetype a) | Engine::ECS | inline |
~ECS() | Engine::ECS | inline |